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Collinsville High School Academic Offerings and InformationVisit the CHS Counseling website for academic, course and graduation requirements; test prep links; academic summer camps; scholarship opportunities; and tutoring information.

Click a link to view the 2024-25 CHS Course Offering Guide: 

2024-25 Course Offering Guide (English)
2024-25 Course Offering Guide (Spanish)

  • AP gives students the chance to tackle college-level work while they’re still in high school and earn college credit and placement. Students must be recommended for participation in AP courses. To earn college credit, students must pass an AP Exam.  Collinsville High School offers the following AP courses:  

    • AP Biology
    • AP Calculus BC
    • AP Chemistry
    • AP English Language and Composition
    • AP English Literature and Composition
    • AP Physics C
    • AP Statistics
    • AP Studio Art-Drawing Portfolio
    • AP US History
    • AP Music Theory
    • AP Physics I
    • AP Physics II
    • AP US Government & Politics
    • AP Psychology
    • AP Latin Poetry
    • AP Latin Prose
  • Dual Credit courses are offered in partnership with local community colleges and universities.  Through Dual Credit, students begin earning college credit before they graduate from high school.  Courses include rigorous, college-level curriculum.  These Dual Credit courses are offered at Collinsville High School and Collinsville Area Vocational Center:

    • Welding Technology I
    • Welding Technology II
    • CEO-Entrepreneurship
    • Photoshop
    • Personal Finance
    • Building Trades I
    • Building Trades II
    • Electronics I
    • Electronics II
    • Clinical Health Occupations
    • Criminal Justice I
    • Criminal Justice II
    • Precision Machining Technology I
    • Precision Machining Technology II
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Food Service I
    • Food Service II
    • Public Speaking
    • College English I
    • College English II
    • Education Practicum
    • Teaching as a Profession
    • Leadership 101
    • Forensic Science
    • AP Chemistry II
    • AP Physics I
    • AP Physics II
    • Keyboarding


Collinsville High School offers four World Languages: 

  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Latin


Collinsville High School students have the opportunity to be recognized by the State of Illinois for earning proficiency in English and one additional language. The Illinois State Board of Education’s Seal of Biliteracy program will place an official seal on diplomas and confer official recognition on transcripts of those students who qualify.

Two honors are available: the Seal of Biliteracy and the Commendation Toward Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded to those whose proficiency level is equivalent to the Intermediate High scale set by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The Commendation of Biliteracy is awarded to students whose proficiency level is rated at Intermediate Low or Intermediate Mid in a second language.


In order to encourage students to stay in school and ultimately graduate from high school, the “Collinsville High School Success Center” is being recommended to serve identified students at Collinsville High School.  This academic program (to be located in Room 609 at Collinsville High School) will be designed to assist “at-risk” students.

Using an evidence-based approach to maximize resources on research-proven and effective strategies and programs students will continue their regular school curriculum with two critical advantages:  1) a learning environment that supports their special physical and personal needs and 2) an academic program customized to provide individualized and small group instruction and to increase their likelihood of improved regular school attendance, behavior, and academic success.


Running Start allows eligible CHS juniors to earn a high school diploma from CHS while simultaneously earning a transfer degree from Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC).  


The Upward Bound program offers pre-collegiate programming at Collinsville High School (CHS), under the direction of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center (ESLC) Upward Bound (UB) program.  Students who meet qualifications can apply.  Participants must be from a low-income family and/or be a first-generation college student, according to the federal guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Education.  For more information, visit:  Collinsville High School Upward Bound.


  • Use this link to learn more about the Collinsville Area Vocational Center and vocational education at CHS.


CEO is a unique hands-on business class for students attending Collinsville High School, Triad High School, Maryville Christian School and Father McGivney Catholic High School. This dual credit class meets daily from 7 am until 8:20 am at different locations in the area.  For information, visit Collinsville Triad CEO.



Collinsville High School accepts summer school registration on a first-come, first-served basis. The dates for this year’s summer school program are from May 21, 2024 to June 12, 2024 with two different time slots: a morning session from 8:00-11:00 a.m. and an afternoon session from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 pm.

Registration for summer school opens April 29, 2024 and closes Friday, May 10, 2024.

Use this link to register.

Please direct questions to the CHS Counseling Department. Office hours are 7:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. or call (618) 346-6320 ext. 1122.

Use this link to read the Summer School information in Spanish.

  • Registration takes place April 29-May 10, 2024.
  • Families complete an online Google form to register for summer school courses.
  • Once the registration form is completed, a summer school fee is placed on the student’s Skyward account.
  • Summer school registration is complete only when the form has been submitted AND payment has been received in Skyward.
  • Only students with complete registrations (completed form and payment) will be added to a class roster.
  • Those who register for a class that is canceled may choose to be reimbursed, or to enroll in another class after the registration deadline, if space is still available.

The summer school registration form must be completed before the end of the day on Friday, May 10, 2024.  Payment will be accepted through May 15, 2024 on Skyward, however, students will NOT be added to a class roster until BOTH the registration form and full payment are received. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cost:  Summer School courses are $150.00 per .5 credit session regardless of reason (credit recovery or to get ahead).  Students may take a maximum of two .5 credit courses ($300.00 total). THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OF SUMMER SCHOOL FEES! (EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE)

In-person/remote instruction:  Summer school instruction will be using the online educational platform Edgenuity. Summer school is scheduled to be in-person. However, CHS administration reserves the right to change that to hybrid/remote at any time based on the safety of the students and staff. Students will not have the option to choose to be remote.



  • Student schedules and room assignments will be accessible on Skyward. Additionally, room/teacher assignments will be posted on door number 33 of the main building on the first day of summer school.
  • Student Attendance is required on the first day of summer school.
  • There are two time slots for summer school. The first time slot is 8 am to 11 am. The second time slot is from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.
  • Students who are taking one class will come during the first time slot; if students are signed up for two classes, they will attend both time slots.
  • Students can take up to two classes in summer school.
  • All coursework must be completed by June 12, 2024 at 2:30 p.m., or an F will be assigned. There will be no exceptions or extensions.
  • Any disciplinary referrals could result in dismissal from the Summer School program.
  • All rules in place for the 2023-2024 school year, reflected in the student handbook, are in effect for Summer School.
  • Any student caught smoking, using or possessing tobacco/substances/look-alikes will be dropped from program.
  • Students may not use lockers during summer school.
  • Some sections of the building and campus will be closed to students during the summer. These areas are being cleaned and prepared for the opening of school in the fall and cannot be used for summer school and. Students who are in these sections without proper authorization will be dropped from the program. This includes the parking lot.
  • Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from summer school.
  • Any student possessing a valid driver’s license may drive to school. There is no cost. Please be advised that all school policies regarding search of vehicles on school property will apply to any student who drives to school.
  • Lunch will not be offered during summer school. A beverage vending machine will be available to students. Students planning to attend the full day should bring lunch to school. Students are allowed to leave during their lunch break, but the tardy policy applies if the student returns late from lunch.

Please note: Math, English, Science and US History courses cannot be taken for advancement purposes and may be taken only as make-up courses resulting from a failure during the regular school year.

Summer school courses will be taught through an accredited online program called Edgenuity. There will be a teacher in the room to help facilitate the online program and answer questions. The average Edgenuity course takes approximately 40 hours of work to complete. Students should plan to complete at least 7% of the course each day to finish on time.

Summer school ends June 12, 2024. All coursework and exams must be completed and submitted in Edgenuity by 2:30 pm that day. If work is not submitted when the course closes, an F will be assigned. No exceptions or extensions.


May 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
June 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Morning session/time slot: 8:00-11:00 a.m.
Afternoon session/time slot: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 pm



Courses for make up credit:
Algebra 1 Semester 1 (021021)
Algebra 1 Semester 2 (021022)
Algebra 2 Semester 1 (023031)
Algebra 2 Semester 2 (023032)
Biology I Semester 1 (031021)
Biology I Semester 2 (031022)
Consumer/Career Education (10110)
English 1 Semester 1 (011011)
English 1 Semester 2 (011012)
English 2 Semester 1 (012011)
English 2 Semester 2 (012012)
English 3 Semester 1 (013011)
English 3 Semester 2 (013012)
Geometry with Math Models Semester 1 -(023011)
Geometry with Math Models Semester 2 -(023012)
Government (041011)*
Health (082012)
PE (081011)
Physical Science Semester 1 (031011)
Physical Science Semester 2 (031012)
Senior Composition (014021)
Senior Literature (013092)
U.S. History Semester 1 (04301G)
U.S. History Semester 2 (04301G)
World Geography Semester 1 (042021)
World Geography Semester 2 (042022)

Courses for Advancement:
Consumer/Career Education (10110)
Government (041011)*
Health (08201)
PE (08101)
World Geography Semester 1 (042021)
World Geography Semester 2 (042022)
World History Semester 1
World History Semester 2

*Government students please note you will have to take the IL and US Constitution tests in person for this course.


Private and parochial school students who reside within the geographic boundaries of Collinsville CUSD 10 and CHS students also have the opportunity to take Driver’s Education. This class costs $250. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Gresh at 618-346-6320 ext. 1117 or